Wednesday 30 May 2007

VLT Sampler Shawl Progress

I felt so guilty after telling / showing mum that I had finished the Swallowtail & started my 2nd small, lacey project that it made me pick up the sampler shawl last night and I managed to work a full repeat of pattern G (14 rows). I really don't know what it is about this shawl that I can't get to grips with it. I don't dislike it but don't love it but once I start on it I enjoy knitting it... it's just getting round to picking up the needles... perhaps because there is no urgency for it....

Anyway as there are so many patterns in this shawl I've taken a progress photo and labeled the patterns so at least it will make some sense of what I'm talking about.... I hope!!!

and here are a few close ups of the patterns.....

Patterns: B, C & D (from bottom to top)

Patterns: D, E & D (from bottom to top)

Patterns: D, C, F & G (from bottom to top)


Anonymous said...

"I don't dislike it but don't love it but once I start on it I enjoy" - Sounds like me and housework!

Your shawl is beautiful! I saw Jane's original at Stitches Midwest last summer and it was amazing. I have the book but haven't tried anything out of it yet.

Viknits said...

Wow littleberry your knitting is beautiful. Your swallowtail looks fantastic, and the second colour shows off the pattern really well. And wow look at that VLT shawl! It does look complicated! :) Vik x