Sunday, 7 June 2009

Dare I show my Face?

I can't believe it's been 4 months since my last post... but being honest I just haven't felt like doing so and the same has been reflected in my knitting and spinning...

But this looking back has coincided with problems with my husbands work which in a nutshell has equated to he does the work and he may get his wage or not and also to when it may turn up; actually on payday is a novelty!!!

Anyway things are looking up he now has 1 week and 4 days to work his notice.... and while this may not be the best of times to do so he and a colleague are going into partnership together and basically carrying on doing what they're doing now. They already have work lined up for the 1st of July onwards which is definite..... so while 6 months ago when he mentioned he would like to do this and when I got down off the ceiling basically said we can't afford to do this.... the last 4 months have made me realise what have we got to loose at least he will be getting paid for the hours he puts in!!!!

Anyway you didn't come to read this and it's no excuse for not blogging but really I've had nothing to show....

I do however have a couple of finished knitted objects to show you and a further 1 nearly completed.... I've mainly been crocheting small things... things I don't feel I have to commit a lot of time and energy to IYKWIM?

Anyway here's the 1st of the 2 finished objects.....

Lilac Leaf shawl from Estonian Knitted Lace by Nancy Bush

and with close up...

This is worked in my own hand spun from 'Pumpkin Juice' Batts from Enchanted Knoll, and is for a friend who is 60 at the end of this month... I'm just completing another shawl for her twin sister....

Anyway I've promised myself no waffling so I'll be back at some point and show you the next completed object!


fleegle said...

Well, I know exactly what is going on in your house, because the same thing is happening to us. Independent business owners untie, or something.

I love your shawl--the color is gorgeous,the handspinning beautiful, and the knitting exquisite.

Show your face again soon!

suse-the-slow-knitta said...

it's amazing how uncertainty can be so emotionally draining. Good luck to your hubs!
fab shawl btw!

fleegle said...

p3togtbl's aren't bad with heavier yarn, but with gossamer weight and yarnovers, it's an awful ordeal. I just try to avoid that stitch if I can :)