Both are edgings from Sharon Miller's Heirloom Knitting book (this book has become my bible recently) the bottom one is the Doris edging and the top one is the Rippled Diamond Edging... I have modified the Diamond edging slightly and added a bead to the centre of the motif to tie in with my beaded flower motifs in the main body of the shawl......
I think the Diamond edging is the one I am going to go for as although on this sample it looks too wide, I have to remember this is a swatch and the final stole will have 10 full motifs across plus borders..... plus it was a bit more interesting to knit than the Doris edging, but I drew the line at a knitted lace border ;o)
I have also decided that I have done enough 'playing' now and to actually start to knit this stole, because I know myself well and if I continue playing I will just go backwards way and nothing will ever be produced from this playing....
As you've probably all guessed by now this is Hanami by the talented Melanie otherwise known as Pink Lemon Twist, the creator of the Mystery Stole along that's gripping the lace knitting world at the moment..... It's a beautiful and unusual pattern in that it's asymmetrical and as always with PLT it has a theme....
For those of you out there contemplating knitting this, do so it's quite an easy pattern to work. One tip I would say is when you get to the non-basket weave section I would highlight either all the K2tog or the Sl1-K2tog-psso making it easier when you're knitting from the chart to see what is what when glancing down at the chart. I also wrote the number of all the plain knit stitches between these other stitches so I wasn't counting all the time and it did make it a lot easier and quicker..... Here's the details of materials I used...
Yarn: Yarn Treehouse Bloom Colour C09 yarn held double to give correct weight for pattern
Needles: Knit Pick Classic Circ 3.25mm
Beads: Size 9 Güttermann Blue lined Lilac seed beads
Variations:I omitted the ruffle option and worked 6 garter stitch rows after the last pattern block and added beads on the CO edge
It probably took me 5 weeks of knitting but I was only knitting 5 out of every 7, due to my lace knitting schedule I've set up to allow me to work on different projects ; yes I know it sounds sad but at least all my projects get attention and it works for me.... some days I did more, others I didn't do any.
I loved knitting the stole and would definitely do another at a future date which I think is always a good recommendation for a pattern, the basket weave after doing the first repeat was probably the most enjoyable bit.... I think when I do a second one of these then I would perhaps repeat chart C a 2nd time, repeat half of chart F again and finally just do half the number of rows of Chart G.The yarn from Yarn Treehouse was as lovely as ever and think it lends itself well to the pattern.... I had 10g left out of 2 x 50g balls (held double) working an extra repeat of basket weave and a further full repeat of Chart G.
As you've probably now guessed from the title of this post this is for my friend Tanya who is 40 today; I couldn't post any earlier as she reads my blog from time to time and I didn't want to give the surprise away.... that's the only drawback of your knitting friends who read your blog you can't post photos and details of their presents as you knit!!!! Here's a full view so you can compare the two....
Mmmmm I like both, but perhaps the nested ones should be nearer to each other?
Comments as always greatfully received....
After telling you about the Pippa bag fiasco the other day I did cast on this last night. So this is now my intrim knit between Pink Lemon Twist Mystery Stole and Mums' VLT Beginner stole.... and before you ask yes I did complete Clue 3 last night before starting..... I think my productivity yesterday came from lack of productivity last week.....
This actually was the first mystery stole that I joined back in May, but by the time I had found it and then organized my yarn from the States the last clue was being started.... so here's what this is going to be when it grows up, Midsummer by the Goddess Knits. I am using "Classic" from Yarn Treehouse; its 100% wool and is quite springy to knit with, the pattern called for 5.0mm needles but I preferred the look with my 4.5mm Knit Picks Options :) it's actually going to be a gift for my goddaughter Sarah for her Christening in September.
The photo shows me part way through what was Clue 1
And just to prove that I didn't cast on before finishing clue 3 here you go, I just love knitting with Zephyr :o))))))))))))))) but I really do not have a clue what the theme is going to be...
And last, but not least (no I didn't manage any of this yesterday) an update of were I'm at with the VLT, I know you can't see the stitch patterns (I am halfway so just repeating the patterns in reverse order) but I can't believe how big its getting. I really hadn't noticed as most of the time it's screwed up on my knee in ball....
So all in all a very enjoyable Lace day yesterday......
So Saturday whilst in the shop (I have a pair of socks on the go in the shop for when I'm working and a pair in the house for other times) I decided I could get the second sock of the Opal Neon pair finished (I like to call them Flash Gordon for obvious reasons), they took a little longer than expected to finish but I did finish them Saturday evening....
These are for a friend's birthday at the end of August so I am in plenty of time with them :)
This then took me to Sunday & Monday (my weekend) which was spent doing the VLT stole, yesterday did see some progress made which after Sunday's pathetic 24 rows was a relief. So tonight I am going to start clue 3 of the PLT Mystery stole.........
What happened to the bag I hear you say? I frogged it, for something which was meant to be a fill in between lace projects, it actually stopped me knitting and as time is precious why knit something I'm not enjoying and that actually stops me knitting other things too......
Oh yes I did start something else as well yesterday, photo tomorrow.... ;)
I downloaded the pattern on Friday morning, managed 10 rows throughout the afternoon, fully intending to do a further 10 Friday evening. I couldn't help myself I did 20, which left me with 20 to knit on Saturday.... I'd finished by teatime....
I have made myself a promise that the VLT shawl is for my weekends (Sunday & Monday) and then I will do the PLT mystery stole the rest of the week as time permits... should I have extra time then that is to be used for non-lace projects to use up my stash such as the yarn for a couple of felted bags, scarves, etc...
I cast on for Pippa Bag last night.... I decided that rather than knit two identical halves, I will knit it up in one piece then sew the bottom up. I bought the Kid Classic awhile back and as it was a discontinued colour 849 - Sandstone, it was cheaper. It's most definitely not my colour at all, but it was intended to be a first attempt at a felted bag so thought just in case it doesn't work I opted for buying the yarn at a reduced price..... needless to say when it is knitted I am going to dye it!!!
Am not sure when it will be ready to dye after last nights knitting as I was so bored with it after my lace knitting that I managed to do all sorts of little jobs I've been putting off...... I think I managed 4 rounds in 2 hours :(
I have also completed another lacy project but more at a future date on that...
Both pairs of socks are progressing well as is the VLT shawl....
Wild Fibers Winter 2007 (Has the Heartland Shawl Pattern in), Fiber Trends Flower Basket Shawl Pattern & Spin Off Magazine. At the front Volume 2 of Barbara Walker's Treasury, Inch worm & Drop Spindle by Michael Woods and then roving and laceweight from the Yarn Yard, by the way n it was lovely to meet you and chat.....
For those who want a close up of just the yarn, I'm not sure what the colourways are called.... but n if you read this if you can identify the colours I'd appreciate knowing what they are for when I put them on Ravelry
Tomorrow I will post my completed Clue 1 of the Pink Lemon Twist Mystery Shawl.... BTW this will close at Midnight on July 6th... so if you want to join just click the button in the sidebar and that will take you to the Pink Lemon Twist website with details of how to join the group.... the first Clue really is lovely....